Inclusive and Welcoming Atmosphere

Apart from building the teacher-student relationship, another important role teacher’s play in the school and a student’s school life is creation of positive classroom and school atmosphere. Outside of their homes, the maximum time students spend is in school for a good 14 years of their life.

Following are few initiatives every  teacher in Asha Kiran takes to make the school’s atmosphere inclusive and welcoming:

  • Peer orientation and parent orientation about particular children if required – This brings about inclusivity in the peer group as well as among the community.
  • Encouraging children to participate in events despite difficulty in their abilities. This boosts their confidence.
  • Customising the classes or methodology in a way that makes learning inclusive – Different children require different teaching methodologies. A holistic teaching technique reaches every student equally and learning is optimum!
  • Use the students name – This brings about familiarity and belonging.
  • Emotional safety – Create a safe space for students to open to each other and the teacher. This also brings about inclusivity to students who may feel they don’t fit in.
  • Take their interests as an advantage and incorporate into class – Customizing the class to the way children like it will go a long way in the way they learn and retain the knowledge.
  • Go the extra mile – If a child needs extra attention, a teacher can do their best to give it by providing extra tutoring.
  • Show that it is okay to make mistakes and how one can learn from them. But also, remember to guide them on how to avoid such mistakes. 

While there are some children who might take the inclusivity and friendly atmosphere for granted, with clear ground rules and boundaries and step by step processes, the school can be made into a balanced and welcoming atmosphere for students of all ages, backgrounds, personalities, abilities, and capabilities.

Harshika Ramasubramanian

Counselling Psychologist & Expressive Arts Facilitator