Tag: anxious

A Child’s Gift

Gift-BoxWe have all received gifts as children. As a child, the gift may not be of great value unless it is what the child longs for. This small incident tells us how important it is to give children what ‘they’ desire and not what ‘you’ desire to give them.

A teenage boy; his life has given him the challenge of depending on a hearing aid to hear and sign language to communicate. The desire of a helping hand was to gift him a hearing aid. It was given to him on one fine day. (more…)

Seeing Is Believing

Children with autism are said to be concrete in their thinking, here’s an example to substantiate. During one of the Environmental Study (E.V.S) classes Student A (12 yrs) was taught that the root of a plant grows under the soil. In order to test this, he pulled out a new plant from the school garden. When he was called by the Principal for destroying a new plant, he boldly admitted, “Yes! I did it, I wanted to see if the root is growing under the soil.” This incident revealed that as a concrete thinker, seeing is believing!
