Good & Bad Touch – Part 1

As parents you have raised your child like a little prince or princess. You are aware of all their requirements and are there for them whenever they need you to be there. However, you cannot be everywhere, at every given point in time. Be it at your family celebrations, their school, hobby classes they will meet different people – in your presence or otherwise. And let’s face it, not everyone will mean well. In fact, some may try to cause harm and touch your child inappropriately which leads to consequences like aggressive behaviors, depressive and affective disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and panic attacks.

To avoid such a situation for our precious ones, we can explain “Good/Safe touch” as a way for people to show they care for each other and help each other (i.e., hugging, holding hands, changing a baby’s diaper). “Bad/Unsafe touch”, on the other hand, is the kind you don’t like and want it to stop right away (e.g., hitting, kicking, or touching private parts).

The conversation about good touch and bad touch helps them understand the importance and meaning of safe and acceptable touch. It helps them understand that they can say “no” and they learn how to say “no”. It makes them aware and realize that they are being abused.

We want our children to be always safe and well. Since we cannot expect our children to always be surrounded by good people, it is our responsibility to teach them to be ready to handle such situations if they are ever faced with one.

In the coming weeks we will learn more about this topic.

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