Author: Asha Kiran Special Needs School Blog

Asha Kiran Special Needs School was born in 1993 with a commitment to serve special children. Children with different needs such as hearing impaired, learning disabled, physically & mentally disabled and autism, etc are helped here. We also help the economically poor children in their studies. The school is accredited to National Institute of Open Schooling [NIOS], Govt. of India.



You’ve started up a steep incline and your legs are burning. Take a moment to breathe in and out. Inhale and slowly exhale. Repeat.

Tell yourself that you are going to be fine.

You are late for work. Your computer deleted the important checklist you needed. Your child is having a major meltdown during the assessment.

Whatever the case might be, just remember to breathe.


Right now, your calf muscles are cramping. Your legs aren’t working, and have started to tremble, and you can’t seem to catch your breath.

You are calling yourself crazy for even attempting this enormous feat. And most of all, you need to pee.

It’s a gigantic mountain! How can you even attempt to climb one with slippery slopes and steep inclines?

But you can and you will. The pain and discomfort will make you stronger. We grow by accomplishing what we think we can’t.


The hike is harder and way more rigorous than expected. You are ready to turn back but unknowingly keep pushing forward.

The same applies to life.

The new job might not be what you expected. The move to another place isn’t as flawless as you hoped but you are able to gather a new perspective. 

You are tired. Through the trails and errors, you have gained clarity on what’s important in your life.

So next time you need a fresh perspective, take a hike.

Joanna Jenny

My First Week with Asha Kiran Children

The first week of school started with rapport building with amazing students of Asha Kiran in VTC block. The week was buzzing with activities, rules and routines. It helped students to get familiar with teachers and their new time tables.

However, few students were taking more time to settle down in the classroom and adjust to the school environment, I would like to mention one such case, where a child was struggling to settle down and exhibited challenging behaviors.

We could understand that the transition was causing his anxiety to escalate. In spite of visual reminders, physical workout and activities the child was still restless. One of his classmate, named Krishna readily came forward to help his friend who was in distress. Krishna didn’t hesitate to approach his friend and made every effort to calm him down.

The gentle expression on Krishna’s face, helped his friend to understand the expected behavior.

This role play emotionally regulated the child to follow the instructions. I would like to conclude, that Kids find it easier to learn through their peer group. Social reminders, buddy system boosts a child’s confidence and brings a sense of belonging.

A Mother’s Gratitude

It was indeed a proud moment for me and my family to attend the Graduation ceremony of Master Adit Nair with the Founder-Director Dr. Rita James. She is a beautiful soul whom God chose for a purpose to bring happiness in many children and their families.

Asha Kiran is not just an institution, it’s beyond that – where kids not only excel in their career but are transformed into humble and good human beings.

May God give good health and strength to Dr. Rita James for many more years in this beautiful journey. This world needs more people like her. We are glad God chose Adit to be a part of this amazing and wonderful institution which transformed him into humble, confident human being.  Degrees are necessary but just remain papers after a certain period. What remains for life is the character and humility we carry along with us. My son Adit achieved that in Asha Kiran.

I take this opportunity to thank the entire staff of Asha Kiran.

What an incredible achievement it is for Adit and us all as a family!

Gratitude always

Ms. Preetha Nair

Good & Bad Touch – Part 1

As parents you have raised your child like a little prince or princess. You are aware of all their requirements and are there for them whenever they need you to be there. However, you cannot be everywhere, at every given point in time. Be it at your family celebrations, their school, hobby classes they will meet different people – in your presence or otherwise. And let’s face it, not everyone will mean well. In fact, some may try to cause harm and touch your child inappropriately which leads to consequences like aggressive behaviors, depressive and affective disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and panic attacks.

To avoid such a situation for our precious ones, we can explain “Good/Safe touch” as a way for people to show they care for each other and help each other (i.e., hugging, holding hands, changing a baby’s diaper). “Bad/Unsafe touch”, on the other hand, is the kind you don’t like and want it to stop right away (e.g., hitting, kicking, or touching private parts).

The conversation about good touch and bad touch helps them understand the importance and meaning of safe and acceptable touch. It helps them understand that they can say “no” and they learn how to say “no”. It makes them aware and realize that they are being abused.

We want our children to be always safe and well. Since we cannot expect our children to always be surrounded by good people, it is our responsibility to teach them to be ready to handle such situations if they are ever faced with one.

In the coming weeks we will learn more about this topic.